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Bed bugs have earned their moniker from their inclination to hide in beds and prey on sleeping humans. Bed bugs consume solely blood and require frequent blood meals for survival and development. Bed bugs can harm humans and several warm-blooded animals, including chickens and other birds.

At Western Sydney Exterminators, we get requests for bed bug removal Sydney from many clients. Here is some information that will help you understand these pests better to reduce the chances of a bed bug infestation on your property.

How to identify bed bugs?

Identifying these pests is crucial if you want to eradicate them from your property. Here are some characteristics of bed bugs:

Bedbugs are tiny, oval, reddish-brown insects that feed on animal/human blood. The bodies of adult bedbugs are around the length of apple seeds. However, after eating, their bodies enlarge and turn a ruddy colour.

Although bedbugs cannot fly, they can travel swiftly across flooring, walls, and rafters. In their lifetime, female bedbugs can lay several hundred eggs, each roughly the size of a particle of dust.

Before reaching adulthood, immature bedbugs, known as nymphs, lose their skins 5 times and require a blood meal before each moult.

Under optimal conditions, the insects may mature within as little as one month and generate at least three generations yearly.

They can spread quickly from one room to another once they have entered a space.

Despite being an annoyance, they are not believed to carry illnesses.

Where Can You Find Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs have been connected with humans for thousands of years and can be found anywhere people congregate, including homes, hotels, schools, businesses, retail establishments, and public transit.

How Do Bed Bugs Enter Your Property?

Bed bugs are adept at transferring from one location to another despite being incapable of flight. They may travel with baggage, clothing, and beds. It is how bed bug infestations can spread so rapidly. In addition, bed bug bites can be difficult to identify and are sometimes confused with bites from other insects, making it difficult to detect infestations and allowing populations to thrive unnoticed making DIY bed bug removal challenging.

Although cleaning affected areas will help manage bedbugs, chemical treatments are typically required to eliminate them. Because disinfecting your bed or bedroom with insecticides might be dangerous, it is essential to pick solutions that are appropriate for use in bedrooms. Do not treat beds and mattresses unless the product label specifies that it can be used on these items. The best way to eliminate these pests from your property is to hire skilled professionals for thorough bed bug removal Sydney.

Generally, it is the most effective and safest way to eliminate these pests from your property. We offer reliable and timely pest control services. You can Contact Us through this link or call us at 02 9054 3056, and we offer the best Bed bug removal service to commercial and residential clients in Sydney.

Rats are a nuisance at your home, besides being a malicious spreader of several diseases. Moreover, they even damage properties, contaminate foods, and welcome other parasites like fleas, lice, and ticks with them. Rat colonization has turned out to be a common problem all over Australia. Many households are hiring local rat control agencies to prevent the oppression of rats. Given that rats can breed quickly, they can lead to critical issues if left unnoticed and unmanaged for a long time.

However, some signs will help you to identify if there are rats in your walls or attic. Go through these guidelines that would help you out.

How to identify signs of rats in the wall or attics?

It might be tough to state whether you have rats or mice in your house until you find a dead one. Fortunately, there are some clues for you. If you somehow manage to identify these signs, seek immediate assistance from experts for rat removal services Sydney to get rid of rats in your house. Look out for these signs at your home to identify the existence of these rodents.

  • Rat droppings: You might come across rat droppings in areas like attics, basements, and behind the stoves. Rats can produce up to 40 droppings per night. These droppings look like large grains of rice.
  • Scratching sounds: Rats are known as efficient climbers. Hence, they can reach the loft space and the roof of the building comfortably. So, hearing scratching and squeaking noises from the roof-top can help you identify their presence. On the other hand, if brown rats exist in your house, you may hear them scurrying under the decks, sheds, or floorboards.
  • Running footprints: Rats usually leave footmarks in dusty, concentrated, and unused areas. Therefore, their marks on dirt and grease will signify their presence inside your house.
  • Damage: The teeth of rats grow simultaneously. Hence, they need to bite wood or plastic to keep their teeth in shape. As simple as that, rats can cause fire by chewing electrical cables. Apart from that, you will notice ripped food packages, containers, and papers with visible teeth marks of rats on them.
  • Rat nests: You will find rat nests made of various materials, including shredded paper, and furniture stuffing in warm and hidden places. Most of the time, these nests are located near food sources. Therefore, check out areas under the appliances, fridges, sofas, or near your kitchen for a sign of rat nests.
  • Insulation: Disturbed attic insulation is another clear sign of rat infestations at your home.

How to get rid of rats?

Apart from seeking professional support for rats removal from home, you can take some safety measures as follows.

  • Inspect the sealings of your home for any cracks or holes.
  • Trim the ivy and tree limbs around your residence.
  • Never store bundles of firewood and piles of debris in your house. This will prevent rats from getting any potential shelters for breeding.
  • Attach thick weather stripping at the boom of the door to keep it sealed.
  • Always use airtight containers for storing food.

If you want to control rat infestation in your home immediately, hire a rat control company. A professional support will help you safeguard your home from damaging rodents.

Bed bugs are pesky pests and have been a part of the human society since the beginning. Bed bugs have now become resistant to many pesticides, therefore scientific advancements usage and an understanding of biology of bed bugs is required to get rid of them.

We all want a healthy and comfortable home for us and our family. Equipped with little bit of knowledge you will feel more confident about Bed bug removal Sydney and create a safe space in your home. So, don’t worry, whether you are trying to get rid of these pests at home, a commercial building or a multi-storied apartment, with the treatment options available you can easily get rid of them.

Is it tough to get rid of bed bugs?

The one word answer to this questions is ‘yes’. But this is not a problem that cannot be solved with a spray can in hand. Even Bed bug removal service providers expect that two cycles of treatment will be required to completely eliminate bed bugs. Here are factors that make removal of bed bugs difficult:

  • Pesticide resistance: Pyrethroids are the class of pesticides used to manage pests. Bed bugs have developed resistance to these pesticides. Different population of bugs show different levels of resistance, but experts agree that this resistance makes it difficult to get rid of them.
  • They multiply quickly: The fast rate of multiplication makes it harder to get rid of them. The average life of a bed bug is around a year and in its lifetime a female bed bug lays about 110 eggs. In a conducive environment, the bed bug population can double up every 16 days.
  • Behavior: Bed bugs are quite secretive, they become active at night and get into small crevices and cracks during the day. Owing to their flat bodies they can get into thin cracks.

How to get rid of bed bugs quickly?

The minute you spot signs of bed bug infestation, you need to act swiftly. The longer you allow them to breed and grow, the more effort intensive and expensive the removal will become. Here are some treatment options available at hand, educate yourself about them and act wisely.

  1. First DIY steps: Start by clearing all the clutter, put it in a plastic bag and dispose carefully. Vacuuming can help lower the number but it alone cannot solve your problem.
  2. Heat treatment: Heat treatment is a good option if you want to quickly get rid of bed bugs. However, a successful bed bug heat treatment can be done by highly skilled professionals only. A residual pesticide is used in conjunction with the heat treatment.
  3. Traditional treatment: An insecticide based treatment is more affordable than other treatment options. You can find a Best Bed bug removal in your area for an effective treatment solution.

A good professional pest control service provider will focus on killing the nymphs that just hatch from the eggs. The aim is to kill them before they grow and become adults capable of reproduction.

The possibility of creepy-crawlies visible in the house is every house owner’s nightmare. The thought of spiders, roaches, rats, ants etc., roaming in the house of their free will is enough to make people cringe. They are also carriers of disease spreading germs and hence their presence in the house should be eliminated or reduced.

Before getting in touch with a pest control company, homeowners can adopt and implement the following effective DIY pest control methods like:

Using rubber doorstops

These can be easily procured from the local hardware store. Once installed, these rubber doorstops prevent pests from entering the house using the space beneath the doorways as entry points. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to control the entry of pests.

Vegetation removal

Planting creepers and other plants near the edge wall edge acts as an invitation for vermin and pests. The vegetation acts as a bridge and help ants, cockroaches, spiders etc., to gain easy access to house interiors. Any overhead branch that touches any part of the roof also helps to act an as entry point for pests. Vegetation touching the house and the gutters should be avoided at all costs since it enables snakes to come inside the house. This can be extremely dangerous.

Setting up gardens

Most people set up gardens near the wall edges of their houses. While this may look very pretty, there are two problems associated with the same. They are:

  • Since plants have to be watered daily to keep them alive, the moisture attracts pests and vermins.
  • The growing plants may cover the weep holes in the walls thereby enabling termites to penetrate without the house inmates noticing the same.

Thus, such gardens should be set up away from the external walls of the houses. This is an effective DIY pest control method to follow.

Keeping the kitchen clean

After making food, the crumbs should be properly disposed. If left in the kitchen, they attract pests. All tap leakages should be repaired immediately as wet and moist places act as perfect breeding grounds for pests. The drawers, stovetops, kitchen counters and racks should be wiped regularly using a disinfectant cleaner. Additionally, food left outside should be consumed, stored or refrigerated. Getting rid of garbage daily prevents its accumulation thereby depriving pests of food and driving them out. Following this tip might not eliminate the pest problem; however, it will be kept under control until the pest control services of your choice arrive.

Taking care of bathroom

Using water constantly in the bathrooms keeps them moist for longer periods. Thus, extra precautions need to be taken to ensure that they do not become pest breeding grounds. Some of these measures include:

  • Bathroom should be kept clean and dry as much as possible.
  • The pot should be cleaned every alternate day using a toilet cleaner.
  • Sink should be washed thoroughly at least once a week with a heavy-duty cleaner.
  • Shower curtains should be dry without any moss formation.
  • Drains should always be kept covered and unclogged.

Keeping the bathroom clean will help enhance its hygiene and keep it pest free. Standing water is also a breeding ground for many pests. Thus, any accumulation of water should be prevented and the source of water leakage solved immediately.

Following the above tips would enable homeowners to indulge in affordable pest control methods thereby preventing them from calling in the exterminators. Alternatively, taking care of the above points after the exterminators have sprayed the home would make the effect of the pest control last long.

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